Summary: | Group Seed Garden hereinafter called as KBR is a nursery run by
community through production of seedlings of various forest plants. Success of
the People's Garden Seeds Development is strongly influenced by the involvement
and participation of behavior that gives group. Objectives of study were to
determine the form of participation, level of participation and the factors that
influence to farmers 'group members' participation in the development of the
Group Seed Garden in Sleman Regency. Methods of his research was descriptive
method survey . Samples were members of farmer groups in the development of
the Group Seed Garden in Minggir subdistrict Sleman Regency. Type of collected
data is Primary data . The samples were selected by using simple random
sampling. Methods of data analysis was descriptive statistics for participation
form, the participation rate has been analyzed by using the test of proportions and
factors of farmers group member participation was analyzed by using multiple
linear regression. Research result slowed that lagest of farmers group members' in
development of the Group Seed Garden in the form of labor (43.33 %). Most of
members of farmer groups have higher participation rates . The factors that
significantly affect the participation of members of farmer groups in the
development of the Group Seed Garden are the level of education and the role of
extension . Factors that do not significantly affect the participation of members of
farmer groups in the development of the Group Seed Garden are age, land area,
perceptions, attitudes, motivation, attendance at counseling and the role of
community leaders.
Keywords : People's Garden Seeds (KBR), Shape and Level of Participation, the
influential factors, Sleman.