Summary: | Timber is widely used as structural and nonstructural components. In structural design, mechanical properties or strength of wood is an important factor. However, timber grading is still limited to the conventional method which is visual grading. Dynamic grading (nondestructive testing) to get value of the MoE with stress wave velocity method is an effort to increase efficiency of the utilization and use of wood.
This study uses Teak wood, Acacia, Mahogany, Sonokeling, Munggur, and Sukun wood with 10 samples for each species. All of the sample size is 60x120x1200 mm. Dynamic testing based on stress wave velocity method is carrying out by recording the stress wave that propagate into the timber was hit by hammer. The stress wave frequency propagation is carrying out by Wave Spectra software. Static testing was conducted after dynamic testing using UTM (Universal Testing Machine).
The study found a relationship between MoEs and MoR in unit of Mega Pascal (MPa). A linier equation was found where MoR = 0,007 MoEs � 2,5411 with R2 = 0,74, whereas MoR = 0,0041 MoEd + 6,0835 for relationship between MoEd and MoR with R2 = 0,55. MoEs value timber can be estimated using the equation MoEs = 0,5635 MoEd + 1472,9 with R2 = 0,68. Thus the dynamic testing using stress wave velocity method can be used to predict modulus of elasticity of timber regardless of species.