Summary: | Conservation areas have a vital role for biodiversity protection. In Indonesia,
the gazettement of conservation areas refers to Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.
5/1990. Strict Nature Reserve according to this law is defined as a nature reserve area
due to its nature conditions that have uniqueness of plants, animals, ecosystems or
specific ecosystem that needed to be protected for the natural growth. According this
definition, utilization and interference to these areas are strictly limited. However,
tourism activities have steadily occurred in Sempu Island. This phenomenon may
damage the strict nature reserve area and could inflict to nature resource and
ecosystem conservation failures. This research aimed to: describe the gazettement
policy of Sempu Island, describe the utilization and evaluate divergence levels of
utilization activity of Sempu Island Strict Nature Reserve for the regulations.
This research is qualitative research. In order to describe utilization dynamics,
data and information were obtained through field observation, questionnaires, and
interviews. Data analysis was done through historical approach and substance
analysis which are processed through descriptive qualitative method.
According to its characteristics, Sempu Island gazettement is in accordance to
its gazettement policy. Dominant utilization in Sempu Island indicated to be
recreational services in the form of tourism activities which have occurred in the early
of year 2000s. Referring to policy substance analysis on strict nature reserve
utilization, this activity is considered to be less appropriate to Sempu Island status as
strict nature reserve. Therefore, it is necessary to review the utilization activity and
gazettement status of Sempu Island Strict Nature Reserve.