Summary: | Lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) is bulbous plant and commonly cultivated as cut flowers in
Japan, America and the Netherlands. In Indonesia lily is one of the commodity cut flower
potential to be cultivated by farmers. Improving the quality and quantity of seedling can be
done by improving of plant quality. Lily reproduce by seeds and bulbs. Seeds are produced
from fertilization. The anatomical structure of the female reproduction can be used to
determine the growth and development of pistil. The purpose of this research was to
investigate and study the anatomical structure of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. pistil and its
development based on the size of the flower buds. Research materials were lily flower buds
in various size. The flower buds of lily were obtained from Bandungan, Ambarawa, Jawa
Tengah. Anatomical preparations in this research were done using paraffin method with
single staining. The parameters observed were anatomical structure of pistil which are stigma
and style. From the observation, it was found that the size of the flower buds does not affect
the level of pistil development. There are papillae on the stigma surface to hold pollen.
Papillae initially grow in lilies bud at the size of 6.8 cm. Cells of the smallest flower
buds are meristem with big nucleus and thin wall. The flower buds are composed of
parenchyma cells. Cells compose of stigma and style are parenchyma, where the size
of stigma parenchyma are shorter than style parenchyma. Style of Lilium longiflorum
Thunb. has stylar canal, so that style type of this spesies is a hollow style. There is
one layer of epidermal cell, that compose the stylar canal.