总结: | Research of â��Characteristics of Homegarden System in South Area of
Mount Merapi After Eruption in 2010� aims to determine the characteristics and
dynamics of the cropping pattern cultivation of seasonal crops in cropping
systems based on the level of damage yard after eruptions. Retrieval of data using
purposive sampling method at 30 yards in the village of Balerante during June-
December 2013. Data obtained by the vertical projection of a tree as output
horizontal from sexi-fs, field observations, interviews, diversity index types,
important value index and similarity index .
Volcanic eruptions affect the characteristics of the cropping pattern in
heavily damaged, but did not affect the rate of moderate and light damage. It is
evident from the calculation of diversity index of 1,18 on patterned heavily
damaged trees along the border, the extent of damage was patterned alley
cropping of 2,04 while the slightly damaged patterned random mixture of 2,35
and alley cropping. Overall 30 yard has a diversity index of 2,22. And the level of
damage was minor resemblance is quite high at 0,59. INP shows sengon species
dominance of 171,64 % at the level of heavy damage, this type of rehabilitation
after eruption.
The dynamics of the cultivation of annual crops include tobacco after
eruptions Mount Merapi, gendruk, cassava, tales, Jipang, sugarcane, mustard
planted in the dry season. Corn, ginger, chili planted in the rainy season, while
kolonjono and elephant grass grown uncertain. Residents also cultivate bananas,
papaya and barked continuously throughout the rainy season to dry.