Summary: | Getuk Tri warna is a traditional food of Central Java community,
especially magelang area. Getuk Tri warna made of crushed and steamed cassava
and other additives. Getuk Tri warna has sugar dan high fat content and thus
susceptible to damage and has a short shelf life .
This study aims to determine the physical and chemical changes getuk Tri
warna during storage at room temperature. Physical changes include changes in
texture, color and aw values, where as chemical changes include changes in
water content, total sugar content, fat content, total acid, and free fatty acid levels.
Getuk Tri warna in cardboard packaging obtained from a souvenir shop in
Magelang then stored in the open air, at a mean temperature of ±270C and ± 69%
RH conditions the same as in the store. GetukTri warna observed on the storage
to1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 to analyze physical (texture, color, and aw) and chemical
(moisture, fat, total sugars, total acids, and free fatty acids).
The results showed that there was a physical and chemical changes during
storage getukTri warna. Levels of free fatty acids (FFA), total acid, the value of
the texture (hardness, adhesiveness, resillience), and getuk Tri warna aw value
increased during storage. While the color values (L*a*b*), moisture content, fat,
and total sugar decreased.