Summary: | The main objective of this research was to examine the cross-level effect of
justice climate on individual attitudes and behaviors. Multifoci approach and target
similarity model with mediating factors are considered in testing the cross level
effect. Justice dimensions used in the study are procedural and interactional justice
with foci organization and supervisor. So, there were four dimension of justice
climate consists of procedural justice climate foci organization, interactional justice
climate foci organization, procedural justice climate foci supervisor, and interactional
justice climate foci supervisor. Mediating factor used are the trust to organization
and trust to supervisor. Individual behavior used as outcomes are proactive behavior
and deviance behavior. Deviance behaviors consist of two dimensions, organizational
deviance and interpersonal deviance. Social exchange theory, organizational climate,
and group value model used as a basic for hypotheses development.
The research was conducted using a survey research design in four
organizations with a total number of 399 respondents from 50 work units. Justice
climate measured at the unit level and tested using interrater agreement (IRA) and
intraclass correlation (ICC). Trust, proactive behavior and deviance behavior were
measured at the individual level. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to test
the cross-level effect of justice climate on individual trust, proactive behavior and
deviance behavior, and HLM 2-1-1 model is used to examine the effect of cross-level
with mediating factor.
Important empirical contribution of this research is cross-level effect of justice
climate on individual behavior with trust as mediating factors. The results showed
that multifoci-mediated model is not supported as a whole, but multidimensionalmediated
model with foci organization empirically supported. Trust to organization
mediated the effect of procedural and interactional justice climate on proactive
behavior and deviance behavior, whereas trust to supervisor does not have a role as a
mediating factor.