Summary: | The objective of this research was to find out the influence of boiled
egg manufacture with guava leaves on chemical composition and total
bacteria. As many as fifty seven of one day old consumption eggs with 58
g to 65 g weight devided into three treatment, 1) boiling without guava
leaves with the cracking of eggshell, 2) boiling with guava leaves and the
crancking of eggshell, 3) boiling with guava leaves without the cracking of
eggshell. The observation was done after two hours boiling which included
chemical composition (levels of protein, cholesterol, fat of egg yolk, water
of egg albumen and of egg yolk) as well as total bacteria with thrice
replication. The data was analyzed by One Way Anova. The average
value which showed significant difference tested by Duncan�s New
Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The calculation of statistical analysis was
done by Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) for Windows
released 20,00. The research results showed that boiled eggs
manufacture took effect (P<0.05) toward levels of water in egg albumen
and levels of fat in fresh eggs, with boiling without guava leaves and
cracked eggshell, boiling with guava leaves and cracked eggshell, as well
as boiling with guava leaves and not cracked eggshell for each 86.22%
and 11.22%, 80.81% and 9.61%, 79.26% and 9.92%, as well as 84.33%
and 9.24% respectively. Boiling significant affected (P<0.01) toward level
of egg protein for each 9.06% in fresh egg, 0.93%, 1.23% and 1.04% but it
did not taking effect toward levels of water in egg yolk, levels of cholesterol
and total bacteria. The best boiled egg could be gained through the
cracked eggshell with guava leafs.