Summary: | ESRD is a multifactorial and polygenic disorder predisposed by genetic, environmental
and lifestyle factors like smoking. Recent investigations suggest an association between
cytosine�adenine dinucleotide (CA)n repeat polymorphisms of the IGF1 gene, IGF-I levels and
ESRD. Smoking is one of the established risk factors of ESRD, but its exact pathogenesis has
not yet been clarified.
The aims of dissertation report were investigated the associated of the gene IGF-1CA
repeated polymorfisms, IGF-1 levels, TGFβlevels, limphocyte Treg numbers and smoking habit
with ESRD. We performed a hospital based- case controll study, and genotyped 53 ESRD patient
cases and 106 non ESRD patient controll with inclusion and exclution criteria. The gene IGF-1
CA repeat polymorphisms were screened using analysis fragment polymerase chain reaction�
restriction. The levels ofIGF-1, IGFBP-3 and TGF-βwere exemined using elisa. The number of
Treg is calculated using flowcytometri. Datawas assessed using monovariat, bivariat and
multivariat analysis.
In result, the genotype distributions of IGF-1 genes were compatible with the Hardy�
Weinberg expectation for both cases and controls (p>0.05). Significant associations were
observed between genotype homozygote IGF-1192-bp and ESRD, and between genotype
homozygote IGF-1192-bp and IGF-1 levels. Smoking habits is associated with an increased of
ESRD. Intensity and duration of smoking is associated with higher levels of nicotine. Smoking is
also associated with decreased levels of IGF-1, IGFBP-3 levels rise, decreased levels of TGF-b
and the decrease in the number of Treg
In conclusion, this case-control study showed that gene IGF-1 CA repeat polymorphisms
were associated with the development of ESRD and IGF-1 level. The interaction between IGF-1
polymorphism and smoking is also associated with an enhanced risk of ESRD.