Summary: | Network design used to get the optimal network. There are four stages in GPS network design that is Zero, First, Second, and Third Order Designs. First Order Design is the way of network design to get optimal GPS network geometry. In the First Order Design, there are 2 criteria to determine the network optimality level. These are accuracy and reliability criteria. This research try for designing optimal network based on accuracy and reliability criteria. There are 5 network designs, from which relative less complex to the most complex, located at UGM. The computation of optimization use least square adjusment to determine variance-covariance of parameter, cofactor matrix of parameter and residual. The value of variance-covariance of parameter, cofactor matrix of parameter and residual are used to calculate the accuracy and reliability criteria. Optimum network design in terms of accuracy can be seen from accuracy criteria. The smaller value of accuracy criteria, the network is getting optimum. Optimum network design in terms of reliability can be seen from reliability criteria. The smaller value of reliability criteria, the network is getting optimum.
The results of the optimization in terms of accuracy showed that the design 5 is the most optimum design. Design 5 has the smallest accuracy criteria value at A-optimality, D-optimality and E-optimality. Design 5 has 15 baseline formed from six control points. Point 1 is located in the Faculty of Engineering, point 2 is located in the Faculty of Fisheries, point 3 is located in the east of the Faculty of Philosophy, point 4 is located at Graha Sabha Permana, point 5 is located in the south RSG Dr. Soedomo, and point 6 is located at Boulevard UGM. If terms of cost and efficiency, design 1 is the best design because it has nine baseline (the smallest number of baseline), but it has reliable network.