Summary: | This research discuss failure analysis of engineering material. In this
research, the object under study is the connecting rod compressor that failed after
operating less than 6 months.
Referring to the study of materials science, the failure of a component in
terms of the material can be caused by several factors, including improper
material selection, defects in material, poor design, fabrication process,
maintenance, and errors in determining operating conditions. The purpose of this
research is to identify the cause of failure, how the failure occurs and to prevent
the future occurrence of failure in the component. Therefore, the research starts
from the material characterization including composition test, tensile test,
hardness test, and microstructure observation . After the material characterization
be discovered, this research continues towards failure analysis by using an
scanning electron microscope (SEM) to study surface fractography and followed
by analyzing fatigue crack growth rate.
The results of this study show that the failure was fatigue due to 2 factors,
first, the presence of stress concentration at rounded fillet near the big connecting
rod end is responsible for crack nucleation, secondly, porosity and inclusions in
material which accelerate the crack propagation when the component is subjected
to dynamic load. This is due to fabrication errors where there are currently no
uniform cooling during the process of casting.
Keyword : connecting rod, failure analysis, fatigue, fractography