Summary: | This study aims to determine the role of Basic Education Institutions,
knowing the obstacles faced, and to know the efforts to increase the role of Basic
Education Institutions in the preservation of local languages in order to strengthen the
resilience of the culture.
This research uses descriptive qualitative research method that emphasizes
field research data collection techniques using passive direct observation, interview
and documentation on SD N 1 Prambanan and SDIT Salsabila Baiturrahman. This
study also collected data from the literature materials in the form of books, journals
and other literature sources that can be described facts and phenomena associated
with efforts to increase the role of basic education institutions in strengthening
cultural resilience.
Basic education institutions have a strategic role in the effort to preserve the
local language to participate to strengthen the resilience of the culture. That role is 1)
Schools as a means of teaching the language area, which includes local language
teacher personnel, availability of facilities and the ability of students to learn the local
language, 2) As a means of character education school students, 3) School as a
means of self-development, which is embodied in extracurricular activities musicians,
race, and cultural arts activities at school. The constraints faced in the implementation
of language preservation area on the basis of educational institutions include: human
resources, with a particular teacher unavailability of qualified graduates vernacular
and literary language of Java, the learning method is still using the old method, the
method of lecture, discussion and assignments, and lack of means of learning.
Constraints that there needs to be eliminated by various efforts to increase the role
that human resource development, improvement of teaching methods and means of
learning. Implications of cultural resistance, namely the role of students growing
interest in using Java language to strengthen the resilience of the culture, the Java
language as a cultural identity in the area of strengthening the resilience of culture
and taste of the local culture fighting for the realization of cultural resistance.
Keywords : Institute of Basic Education, Local Language, Cultural Resilience.