Summary: | The appropriateness of a location to be selected as a seminar location is
affected by many supporting factors, so that the location is suitable as a single
choice. Hence, there should be made a process to decide a location whether it is
proper or not to match some assessment criteria conceived before. There are 8
assessment criteria with 22 sub-criteria each. The result of the assessment forms
as a total values which has limited values, determined by equal intensity (degree
of assessment), which are low, medium, and high. Once the assessment process is
done, then the next step is verifying comparison between one criteria with others,
as well as comparison between one sub-criteria and other sub-criteria to acquire
alternative ranking value.
Decision making support system which is developed in this study uses
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP is used as a decision making process
tool by the decision maker to exercise a decision which faces several problems
from a range of criteria. While Geographical Information System (GIS) is used to
handle geography-reference data, which are input, output, data management (data
storage and retrieval), and analysis and data manipulation which resulted on a
map. The combination of both processes would create a new system which its
mathematic calculation uses Analytical Hierarchy Process but the result is
outputed on an interactive map, generated by the Geographical Information