Streszczenie: | The needs of beef cattle for meat consumption in Indonesia is increasing,
it is necessary to attemp to improve the reproductivity of beef cattle. The example
of beef cattle in Indonesia are cows PO and SimPO where maintenance with age
variation. SimPO is hybrid cows. It is found a problem on cow reproductive
performance hybrid. The purpose of this study is to determine difference of the length
of estrous cycle, duration of estrus and the relationship with age in cows PO and
This research began on April 20, 2013 to May 25, 2013 in some pleaces of
Yogyakarta special regency such as Piyungan, Seyegan, Nanggulan, and Lendah.
A total of 17 samples of PO and 10 samples of PO used in this study. This study was
conducted using a survey and interviews to farmers about age of cows, length of
estrous cycle and direct observation of the duration of estrus. The data obtained were
analyzed statistically using Mann Whitney test to determine difference the length of
estrous cycle and duration of estrus in cow PO and SimPO. To determine relationship
with age on cows PO and SimPO was used Spearman�s rho test.
The result showed that cows PO has ranged length of estrous cycle
22.06±5.96 day and duration of estrus 28.29±12.45 hours. Cows SimPO showed
the length of estrous cycle 20.2±1.87 day and duration of estrus 67,8±13.61 hours.
The results obtained in this study showed that there was no significant difference
(P>0,05) between cows PO and SimPO about length of estrous cycle, but there
was significant difference (P<0,05) of the duration of estrus. SimPO had longer
duration of estrus. There was no relationship significant (P>0,05) between age
with the length of estrous cycle and duration of estrus in cows PO although