Summary: | This research aims to identify superintendent limit asset mount, this research is the
application of asset management concept which focuses on inventory system.
Utilization and making alternative strategy for Biro Umum dan Perlengkapan in
2007. The object of this research is taken from Biro Umum dan Perlengkapan
which include asset department, financial department, appurtenance department,
and public administration, the sampling were taken from 50 respondent by using
purposive sampling method, to know the difficulty in controlling local government
asset of local government good way. So as to affect on organize and developing
the asset in the coming future.
This research is aimed to know (1) the inventory system which use in
utilize land asset and the building which owned by local government (2) to make
alternative strategy in utilize land asset and government building which is owned
by Biro Umum and Perlengkapan.
The result of this research in summarize
1. From its result of using Likert Scale and questioner that aim to know the
behavior, opinion, and perception of the respondent whom are well
understand about the aim of this research which tell about inventory system
and utilization of land asset that is owned by Biro Umum dan
Perlengkapan, and make instrument test for 14 items by questioning and
non of the question is valid due to this reason the questioner that has been
used in this research in Biro Umum dan Perlengkapan, it is reliable and it
tell that the inventory system and land asset utilization which is owned by
Biro Umum dan Perlengkapan is not optimal and it is not fellow the
existing rules.
2. From SWOT analyze result it shows right solution for altenative land asset
utilization and building of Biro Umum dan Perlengkapan which is owned
by government of Papu Province. And by working together. One of the
way that works is BOT (Build Operate Transfer) with dividing royalty for
local government and interest for the inventors that benefit both of them as
mention in PP No 6 years 2006 and become more clear in PP No. 17 year
2007 about joint venture in utilizing country regency asset with another
investor and that can be done by:
a. Optimizing in using country/regency utilize
b. Improving the income of country/regency