Summary: | This study aims to determine the sanction by the WCA Board of Trustees
to the notary who violates the code of ethics in Tulungagung, and to know the
efforts of the Honorary Board of Trustees of Regional in Tulungagung to
overcome obstacles or barriers in carrying out its role The.
This type of research used in this study was Juridical Empirical
Research. The research was conducted through direct interviews with respondents
and equipped with secondary data. The sampling technique used was nonprobability
sampling technique with sampling purposive sampling. Data analysis
was done by using a qualitative approach. The results of the data analysis are
presented descriptively.
These results indicate that the code violations Tulungagung still plenty
going on, but to penalize the only form of warning and guidance is less effective
so it does not provide a deterrent effect for the notary and the notary does not
provide lessons for other-notary. In addition to the establishment of the Honorary
Board of the Regional yet Tulungagung resulted in maximal supervision for
violation of code of conduct. Many of the constraints faced by the Regional
Supervisory Council include notary notary-less cooperative and assume all code
violations are considered reasonable and has become a habit for generations, as
long as there has been no case of sticking out because of all the direct resolved
internally. Efforts made Honorary Board and Supervisory Council Notary in
overcoming obstacles in order to uphold a code of ethics among others, are as
follows: (a) Provide regular counseling to the notary on the code of conduct
violations that often occur