Summary: | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is considered as one of subtype in
anxiety disorder, which frequently diagnosed. However, there is no valid,
reliable, sensitive, and specific screening instrument available in primary
health care, to detect OCD. Therefore, many patient with OCD did not get
the appropriate treatment. This study aimed to examine the clinical validity
of GHQ-12 as screening instrument for OCD in primary health care.
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV Disorder-Axis I (SCID-I) used as
gold standard. The respondent were 227 adult outpatients, aged 18-60, from
10 primary health care in Sleman and Kota Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
Province. Alpha Cronbach reliability coefficient were satisfactory according
to Bimodal, Likert, and CGHQ scoring methods (0.855, 0.868, and 0.851
respectively). Principal Component Analysis showed that GHQ-12 consist of
two components, that is �psychological distress� and �social disfunction�.
Receiver Operating Curve (ROC) dan Likelihood Ratio (LR) were conducted
to assess the clinical validity. Result showed that GHQ-12 based on Bimodal
scoring method (AUC=75,6%, optimum cut-off �4, sensitivity=80%,
specificity=69,3%, LR+=2,61, LR-=0,29) can be used as screening
instrument for OCD in primary health care.