Summary: | Hyperthyrotropinemia indicate a saturation insufficiency T3 receptors in the brain and the
potential risk of deficiency in the development of intelligence. Intelligence is part of quality
determinant of Human Resources (HR). Future quality of human resources is formed from quality
child built from now. Child quality are formed by genetic and environmental factors (asah, asih
asuh). Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormones, which are essential for brain
development and intelligence. The younger child has a deficiency of thyroid hormones, the more
severe effects on brain disorders. Thyroid hormone secretion stimulated by the Thyroid
Stimulating Hormone (TSH). Elevated TSH is used as the first filter in the detection of thyroid
disorders. The objective of our study was to know the correlation of hyperthyrotropinemia to the
level of intelligence of preschool children (TK) in iodine deficiency endemic area.
The study design was cross sectional, 51 subjects with a number of two kindergartens in
the Village of Seloharjo during December 2010. The assessment carried out of bloodspot TSH
levels, level of intelligence and intelligence profile. Statistical analysis by chi-square and logistic
There were 39.2% hyperthyrotropinemia subject with a mean of TSH 5.59 μUI / ml
(minimum 2.57 μUI/ml and maximum 14.24 μUI / ml). IQ points below the average was 25.5%
with a mean IQ of 96.8 points. Hyperthyrotropinemia child with an IQ below the average was 6
children (30%) with a mean TSH 7.63 μUI / ml (increase of 1.38 ) and the mean IQ was 81 points.
There were no significant correlation between TSH levels with a level of intelligence (p = 0.553,
PR = 1.469, 95% CI 0.4 to 5.254) and six profile intelligence (p> 0.05). The result of logistic
regression, there were not variables significant to affect the intelligence but only age less than 6
years were almost significant (p = 0.05, PR 3.759, 95% CI 1.002 to 14.104). Visual motorik profile
was no significant influenced by the quality of care of family and social environment (p = 0.05, PR
3.857, 95% CI 1 to 14.87) and arithmetic reasoning profile was significant influenced by the
presence of family members of goiter (p = 0.045, RP 8.448, 95% CI 1.050 to 67.977). Conclusion :
Hyperthyrotropinemia was no statistically significant influence of preschool children�s intelligence.
TSH increase of 1.38 times was already approaching the limit that could be affected the level of
intelligence, so that required follow-up well and examination as well as the promotion of intensive