Summary: | In December 2004, NASA's space station suffered life-threatening gas leaks
astronauts, it may also occur in industries where the processing involves the
dangerous gas in it. On the other side research in the field of robotics development
equipped with electronic nose is a new challenge. By implementing electronic
nose, the robot can identify and mitigate the risks arising from the interaction
between humans and harmful gase, such as a gas leak on the space station ever
experienced by NASA.
This research used robotino that was programmed and equipped with
electronic nose to make it more easy and flexible to be controlled by humans to
approach the object (toxic gas), as well as designing an artificial intelligence using
Multi Layer Perceptron with Error Back Propagation method to gain the weight.
The weight that was obtained will be applied to a robot, so by using feed forward
process according to these weight, the robot was able to precisely and quickly
identify gasses that were obtained from the output of TGS array sensors.
Experiment result shows that by training 12 sample data, the robot is able to
classify gasoline and alcohol with the accuracy of 100%.