Summary: | Background : Nowadays isotonic or sport drink is commonly found in the market particularly due to its advantage in instant rehydration recovery. During intense physical activity or exercise, instant rehydration fluid recovery is needed to prevent dehydration. This becomes a background of the isotonic drink production based on banana flour extraction. Other major ingredients in this isotonic drink contains antioxidants such as vitamin C and phenolic compounds, which are intended to give instant recovery after having physical activities or exercise.
Objective : The aim of the research is to identify vitamin C and total phenolic content in fresh banana, banana flour and Banana Isotonic Drink (BID) based on banana flour extraction (Musa paradisiaca formal typical).
Method : Analysis of content vitamin C was determined using 2,6 dichlorophenol indophenol and the total phenolic contents were determined using Follin-cioceltau colorimetric method. The result was presented in tables and analyzed descriptively.
Result : The content of vitamin C in the sample of fresh banana, banana flour, and BID were 0.48315