Summary: | INA-CBG�s is a kind of hospilitalitions�s payment based on patient�s
diagnostics, and has been applied on Jamkesmas. But in its application, a lot of
differences are found between real costs and costs of INA-CBG�s. This
experiment is done to find factors which influence costs of hospitalitions, and to
know the balance between real costs in the application of INA-CBG�s at RSU
Bina Kasih Ambarawa.
This experiment is an analytical experiment. The subject of this experiment
is 71 patients asthma, including patients Jamkesmas and patients non Jamkesmas,
at RSU Bina Kasih Ambarawa. Tools are taken retrospectively by patient�s
records, patients�s bills, and patients�s claims of Jamkesmas with code J-4-18-I, J-
4-18-II, and J-4-18-III. Analysis of correlation bivariat, crosstabulation, and linear
regression are done to find the correlation between gender, age, comorbid, class of
hospilitation, Length of Stay (LOS) and costs of hospilitations. Analysis one
sampel test is done to find the difference between real costs and costs of INACBG�s.
Based on the experiment, the mostly used therapy in patients Jamkesmas is
the combination of corticosteroid injection and metil xantin (45,45%) and in
patients non Jamkesmas is the combination of β2 agonis injection, β2 agonis oral,
dan corticosteroid injection (28,57%). The factor which influences costs of
hospilitations is LOS. Are found differences between real costs and costs of INACBG�s
in 13 patients J-4-18-I as much as -Rp. 1.046.540,00, with LOS which
influences real costs. Then differences in 2 patients J-4-18-II as much -Rp.
272.832,00 and in 7 patients J-4-18-I as much as Rp. 2.616.044,00.