Summary: | Patient�s understanding, knowledge, and obedience are expected to increase as
the pharmacist gives useful and appropriate information to the patient. This research was
done to find out the influence of pharmacist�s counseling and sociodemagraphys
condition toward obedience and to know the relationship between obedience and therapy
result of the patient at local government clinic of South Purwokerto in Bayumas
This study was conducted using quasy experimental design. Retriveral of patient
data prospectively conducted during the periode of January � March 2014. Patients were
grouped randomly into two groups of different subjects, the patients who got counseling
from pharmacist / researcher (intervention group) and those who did not get counseling
(control group), followed by approximately one month observation of the obedience
level and therapy result (blood pressure decline) of hypertension patient at local
government clinic of South Purwokerto in Bayumas Regency. Data collection technique
was done by doing interviews, and filling MMAS obedience questionnaires while the
blood pressure data was obtained from medical record.
There were 159 subjects of the research consisted of 78 (49.06%) subjects in
control group and 81 (50.94%) subjects in intervention group. Wilcoxon test showed
that there was significance difference in the end of MMAS with initial MMAS
categories with the value p<0.05. Based on analysis using Chi-Square test showed that
there was no significance difference of socio demographic in the end of MMAS with the
value p>0.05. Counseling may have positive influence to the obedience of intervention
group compared to the control group while also decreasing blood pressure in systolic
and diastolic. There was significance relationship between the decrease of blood
pressure and MMAS score of hypertension patient.
Keywords: Hypertension, Counseling, MMAS, local government clinic.