Riassunto: | The objective of this research is to analyze capitalization rate of luxuriant
house in Sleman District and its influential factors. In this research will be
analized the central tendency (mean) of capitalization rate for overall region and
also for each regions. For the second objective, a few factors will be analyzed, are
they statiscally signifiant influence the luxuriant house capitalizaion rate in
research area. A few factor that will be analyzed are asses of the building, lot size,
location, and age of the building.
This research uses cross section data only from the prime source through
stratified sampling, which over 5 regions of luxuriant housing complex in Sleman
District are Bale Agung, Bale Hinggil, Pondok Permai Kaliurang, Hyarta and
Pesona Merapi, using 50 sample data. The empirical result of this analyzed show
that the mean value capitalization rate of luxuriant house in research area is 4,029
percent. From the result of regression analyzed can be known which variables or
factors that statistically significant influence the capitalization rate of luxuriant
house in research area, the result show us that the assess of the building, lot size,
location, and age of the building are statistically significant influence the
capitalization rate of luxuriant house in research area. Empirical Model in this
research has explanation power 60 percent.