Summary: | Problems encountered in developing plantation commodities include (1) the
absence of priority scale of plantation commodity development, (2) lack of land use
based on land suitability, and (3) incomprehensible agroindustry policies of
plantation commodities. The objective of this research is to create system
engineering for land suitability-based competitive plantation agroindustry
development. Data used in this research included primary data and secondary data.
The primary data were obtained through observation, interview and
questionnaire. Experts, entrepreneurs and farmers of plantation commodities were
determined using purposive sampling technique. The stages of research were as
follows: (1) competitive plantation commodities were determined by using Delphi,
(2) land suitability of competitive plantation commodities were determined by using
gap method, (3) scenario of land suitability-based competitive agroindustry
development strategy was made by using system approach method, and (4)
suitability-based competitive agroindustry development strategy was formulated by
using SWOT method. The location of research was in Kolaka Regency, Southeast
Sulawesi Province.
The research results based on the criteria of competitive plantation
commodities indicated that from seventeen plantation commodities, there were six
competitive commodities, namely cocoa, clove, pepper, cashew nuts, coconut and
coffee. The analysis of land suitability of competitive plantation commodities
indicated that 112,596.91 ha belonged to the category of �suitable� (S) for
competitive plantation commodities, namely cocoa, clove, pepper, cashew nuts,
coconut and coffee. The potential for developing competitive plantation commodities
covered the area of 62,708.50 ha. Currently, cocoa commodity covers an area of
92,442.24 ha and produces 30,921 tons. The scenarios of land suitability-based
competitive agroindustry development strategy which give significant influence are
expanding the size of land for 1%, restricting transfer function of land for 0.5%,
increasing average productivity to 1.21tons/ha, and rejuvenating old plants to 5%.
The results of the scenarios indicated improvement, including (a) the size of cocoa
commodity area of 12.06%, (b) production cocoa commodity of 75,001.3 tons, (c)
135 units of small and medium scale cocoa powder processing industry with 2 ton
capacity, and (d) the profit of cocoa powder processing industry reaching
Rp1,337,412,140.00. The strategy of suitability-based competitive agroindustry
development is in quadrant I (aggressive strategy), namely: (a) improvement of the
agricultural extension agents through guidance and technical guidance to farmers in
developing their business