Achoimre: | Determining the time and the appropriate number of stock ordered by
distributor and supplier to fulfill the request of customer is a complex problem in
supply chain management. This problem affects the process of supplying for supplier,
the process distribution for distributor and the selling process for retailers hampered.
This research developed a monitoring stock model which was integrated with
continuous review approach for determining time for reorder point, so that supplier,
distributor and retailer enabled to know time to reorder which is suitable with the
sales data. The proposed model used single exponential smoothing method to forecast
quantity order. Forecasting quantity order aimed to know how many stocks which
were supposed to be ordered to fulfill the demand of final customer.
The result of this research shows that the developed system is able to monitor
stock from retailer, distributor, and supplier. The developed system is able to
determine time of reordering using continuous review approach and to decide the
appropriate number of ordering goods on retailer, distributor, and supplier.
The testing system used the data of sales made during a month which was
implemented into the system. The results of the data which was put into the system
showed that the cost of inventories at the retailers and distributors were too big.
Those were because there was too much inventory on each side which did not match
with consumer demand, so it could cause risk to all parties.