Resumo: | Have created a prototype wireless sensor network for monitoring volcanic
eruptions system with telemetry-based warning system temperature and
humidity.This system is a prototype of a complete monitoring system that is
connected to the wireless sensor network (level, temperature, and humidity) and
also part of the recipient.For the transmitter section consists of YS1020 UB and
for mikrokontrolernya ATMega8, and temperature and humidity sensors using
This system is made to be able to monitor in real time the condition is
currently active volcanoes. the sensor transmitter will send data obtained from
multiple sensors and their status in the form of level, temperature, and humidity
are transmitted wirelessly using RF (Radio Frequency) modules YS1020
UB.While the receiver also acts as the server will receive the data which will then
be processed further with the software interface used is Visual.Basic.Net that the
data will be stored in the database.To the receiver equipped with a data mudul
YS1020 UB RF transceiver for receiving the transmitted data and ICMAX132 as
RS232 voltage converter.