Summary: | Productivity of dairy cows in Indonesia are still low due to various
factors mainly related to reproductive management. One reason for the
low reproductive efficiency in cattle is the existence of reproductive
disorders caused by bacterial infections. The presentresearch was
conducted to determine bacterial content of dairy cow's uterine with a
normal marital history.
Bacterial isolation and identifications were applied on seven uterine
fluid samples taken from Friesian Holstein dairy cows that have normal
marital history in Sleman. Sampling was done by flushing method using
sterile distilled water. Samples were analysed in the Laboratory of
Microbiology, �Balai Besar Veteriner (BBVET)� Wates. Data resulting from
the isolation and identification of bacteria from normal uterine dairy cows
were analyzed with descriptive methods.
The results show that bacterial species found in the normal uterine
dairy cowswere Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Eserichia coli, and
Streptococcus sp.