Summary: | Inventory is one of the most active ingredient in the company's operations are
continuously acquired, modified, which then resold. Basically supplies are also a idle
resources, which means that if the excess inventory causes wasted investment, but if
there is no inventory would be difficult to anticipate fluctuations in demand or other
things that cause deficiencies. When faced with stockout, customers react differently,
depending upon how it affects their respective businesses. Some are sensitive to the
frequency of stockout while others regard number of backorders to be more
important. In certain types of businesses such as engines or critical elements, however
the duration of stockout is an important element. As such, time - weighted backorders
are appropriate measures of stockout in a situation like this. Decisions concerning \"
how much and when to place an order \" is a major problem in inventory management.
Inventory model Q,r with time - weighted backordes believed to be able to resolve the
problem, the system will determine the inventory position of the point of when to
order goods (R), and the number of items that should always be booked (Q) when the
inventory is right at that point using the method HMMS multi- items.