Summary: | Elementary Chemistry Laboratory of Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science of Universitas Gadjah Mada is laboratory provided by Universitas Gadjah Mada to support students in practical activities especially basic chemistry. Registration system for practical activities is different for each faculty and each year. Nowadays, laboratory open the registration with sending students a registration form at social media network. That registration system is not consistent and its information is not spread well to students that makes students are hard to do the registration. Besides that problem, the scoring management and scores distribution is still using paper based documents. Each documents of score will be collected and stored in spread sheet files to calculate and produces the report file in the end of practical activities. This kind of management scores is not effective and efficient, because it has risk of losing the paper based documents of scores before its submitted or stored and also it will takes lot of time to produce the scores report since its contains of many data that has to be processed.
Based on the circumstances that explained above, Academic Information System of Elementary Chemistry Laboratory of Faculty Mathematic and Natural Science of Universitas Gadjah Mada was built with the capability to handle the management of practical activities from its registration until its scoring management. This information system was built using Laravel as the framework and MySQL as the database. This information system output is practical activities card for students and scores reports of practical activities.