Summary: | This final report describes the textual archive restoration in Badan Arsip
dan Perpustakaan (ARPUS) Provinsi Jawa Tengah. This final report discusses the
methods, the technical implementation of restoration, use of facilities and
infrastructure restoration and how the implementation of restoration conformance
with the applicable standards and procedures. In addition, it is known obstacles in
the process of restoration as well as the solution in the Badan Arsip dan
Perpustakaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
This report uses four methods, namely, the first book study aimed to
obtain literature data based on clear and reliable sources according to the theme
chosen for the creation of relevance between theory and practice that can be
applied appropriately. Second, the interview to get useful primary sources on the
smooth thesis as well as to complement the data that imperfeel and get more detail
information from speakers who is expert in their field. Third, observation or
participant observation data collection - the data directly necessary for the
preparation of writing the final report and determine the extent of archival science
with the reality on the ground. This observation activities conducted by the Field
Work Practice in the agency concerned in accordance with the theme. Fourth, the
documentation is intended to provide evidence of activities performed during the
practical field work, it using photographs or footage that proves vidio interviews
and fieldwork conducted practice. These four methods are interrelated with each
other to generate relevant data and sources to compile the final report. The main
conclusion of this report is the process of restoration projects in the Badan Arsip
dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah has been implemented on quite well.