Summary: | Background: Puskesmas (Health Center) is a health service center
provided by the Government which gives a health efforts in plenary to the
community in a certain work area. PPK-BLUD (Financial Management
Model - Regional Public Service) is one way to increase professionalism,
service type, human resource, quality of medical services to hold for public
service areas. Puskesmas Gondokusuman 1 is one of Puskesmas (Health
Center) that has become BLUD health center. Furthermore, in the light of
quality enhancement of service standards, Puskesmas must have a
standard such as work instruction and procedure. Work instruction and
procedure is a standard that includes requirements for the governance
pattern of BLUD on the document of Business Plan Strategy (BPS).
Hence, the design of a work instruction and procedures is needed to
improve the quality of service to the patients and the document
completeness in the PPK-BLUD.
Purpose: Designing work instruction and procedure of patient registration
in which considering the designing aspects such as the format and content
of the work instructions and procedures in order to ease the utilization and
it can be adapted to users� needs.
Designing Process: The results of interview and observation are used as
the basic in designing work instructions and procedures as well as
supported by the concept of designing work instructions and procedures.
The designers create original designs, and then they conduct discussions
with the Coordinator of registration, registration officers and medical record
so that it can be corrected and conduct verification in order to get their
approval (the registration officer, coordinator of registration and medical
Results: Puskesmas Gondokusuman 1 Yogyakarta has not made any
revisions and complete the work instructions and procedures because of
the flurry of attendants and a lack of human resources. Moreover, the
arrangement of work instruction and patient registration procedures are
made by adjusting conditions in the clinic about patient registration
activities in that the format used in reference to the quality management
system of ISO format. The making of a work instruction and patient
registration procedures are amounted into 10 pieces, consisting of 2 work
procedures and 9 work instructions.