Summary: | Medari substation has two transformers, with each capacity of 30 MVA.
Transformers III connected with MDI-7 feeder that supplies the area of Sleman
and Wates. In 2011, feeder MDI-7 serve the load in the Wates area after take it
from feeder WT-5. This load is in Kalibawang and Samigaluh region, which is
located at the end of the feeder WT-5. As a result of this load, the voltage drop in
the feeder WT-5 is very large because the load lies very far from the substation,
with a network length of about 44 km. In 2008, a simulation of medium voltage
networks of WT-5 found the voltage drop at the farthest end of 10.01 %.
Therefore, to reduce the voltage drop existing in the load area of Samigaluh and
Kalibawang moved to a closer substation, the Medari substation.
Now that feeder MDI � 7 has been operating, it may be necessary to
evaluate the performance of feeder MDI - 7 in terms of power loss and voltage
drop due to the removal of the load.
The analysis will be done by load flow analysis. From the results of the
analysis will be seen how much power flow on feeder MDI-7 after receiving the
transfer of load from the feeder WT-5 to see the power loss and drop voltage at
the feeders. The reliability index value of SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI will also be
From the result it can be seen that when feeder MDI-7 supplies the load in
Samigaluh and Kalibawang area, the voltage drop is less than when the load is
supplied by WT-5.