Summary: | Pesticide is an important material in agriculture or livestock sector,
especially in eradicating insects. Non procedural pesticide usage can lead to issues
such as the presence of residue in agriculture/livestock products. This study aimed
to determine the effect of various concentrations of deltametrin treatment in
drinking water on the residue content in the blood, liver, and meat of broilers.
Nine broilers were divided into three groups. Group 1 was the control,
Group 2 was group given deltametrin 5 mg/L in drinking water, and Group 3 was
group given deltametrin 10 mg/L in drinking water. Broilers were kept in
Education and Training Unit of Animal Health (UP2KH) cage for 35 days and
residue inspection in blood, liver, and meat was conducted after the harvest.
Deltametrin residue analysis was performed at the Laboratory of Pharmacology of
Analysis of correlation showed that there was a significant linear
relationship between various deltametrin concentration and residue concentration
in meat (r>0,9