Summary: | The research is aimed to discover the highest and best use from a tract of
land that owned by the government of Banyumas which located in Dr. Angka,
Sokanegara, East Purwokerto District, Banyumas using HBU analysis. This
research have the quality of descriptive qualitative with case study using the
primary and secondary data. Primary datas such as tract�s physic, tract�s location,
and tract�s market are gathered by doing the field observation. Researcher also
using questionnaire with determined respondent (purposive sampling) and
unstructured interview to gather those primary datas. Secondary datas are
gathered by doing the literatures studies of the relevant subject. Both primary and
secondary datas which has already collected will be processed using the property
productivity, property market, and finacial analysis.
Property productivity anlysis produce several alternatives like office
building/stores, gas station, and also food bazaar. Furthermore, these options will
be analized in market analysis to discover it�s occupancies that reflect the
demand and supply of the related option. This phase eliminate the office
building/stores from the list because the occopancy rate is too low. The next
phase is finacial analysis to test the property�s feasibility using three indicator,
Nett Present Value, Modified Internal Rate of Return, and Profitability Index.
Based on these test, both option found to be feasible because the results shown all
the conditions of the test is passed. Next step is the maximum productivity as the
final step in HBU analysis. This step used to find an alternative property which
give the highest result from the test before, and use it as the HBU decision of the
tract. Based on that consideration, the HBU of the government tract is used as a
gas station.