Summary: | Dusun Brayut has many uniqueness such as sabuk inten as its physical
feature, traditional buildings, and the incident of Dutch Military Agression II
which happened here. Dusun Brayut which later known as �Desa Wisata Brayut�
was the first tourism village in Kabupaten Sleman stated on August 14st 1999. The
new function of tourism in Brayut was triggering a spatial adaptation process
which in the other hand can reduce its village scenery. By this reason, this
research mainly focuses on the spatial changes of Dusun Brayut and the factors
affecting those changes.
This research utilizes qualitative-inductive and explorative approach as its
method. The data and information was gathered from literature review, in-depth
interview, and field observation. The informant for this research chosen with
purposive and snowball sampling method which was resulting 27 informants from
9 different groups. After the process of data gathering and analyzes, the result
then confirmed its validity by utilizes member check method.
This research resulted that the spatial changes in Dusun Brayut can be
divided into six periods. These periods are shaping of Dusun Brayut�s spatial
pattern (1940-1975), basic infrastructure development (1983-1997), tourism
village making (1998-2001), the transition period (2002-2004), tourism village
development (2006-2011), and the new industrial land use function (2010-2014).
Furthermore, those each period has its own alteration factors with the main factor
of the spatial changes in Dusun Brayut was not caused by the new function of the
tourism village but the local social condition of Brayut called �guyub�.