Summary: | This study seeks to uncover how domestic violence on mens�s interpretative that often
women who are victims of violence related to ManInvolvement programs in NGO Rifka
Anissa Woman Crisis Center. The program is implemented in order to see the problem of
domestic violence not only in terms of women, but also men's side (the husband) with the
consultation of men, this program is also implemented along with other programs on the
elimination of domestic violence and the elimination of violence against women. Domestic
violence who had only seen from the victim�sside (woman) makes the problem of domestic
violence do not go over, every effort is being made to make the concept of violence so that
people will know andaware of the violence they face up to the law UU No.23 of 2004 the
elimination of domestic violence. From the dual perspective the researchers examined the
phenomenon of domestic violence from the men's side, seeing how domestic violance from
mens�s perspective. This study used a descriptive analytical method with interpretive
approach to understanding the response of individual subjectivity. This study was conducted
to determine how the men look at domestic violence. To find out the cause or the potential
occurrence of domestic violence.
The presence of HUMA and Mitra Keluarga are expected to reduce the level of
domestic violence in the CokrodiningratanVillage are vulnerable to acts of domestic violence.
In the process works of HUMA and Mitra Keluarga provide services to people who are
experiencing domestic violence. However, their presence in the Cokrodiningratancommunity
less acceptable. People feel their presence worsen the situation. The existence of the concept
of violence that they are not invested in accordance with the existing culture in the
community, so there is a contradiction between the two groups of society.
Community of Cokrodiningratan especially men have another meaning on violence,
so that the concept of violence promoted by Rifka Annisa general felt less accepted by
society. There are several concepts and ways of handling domestic violence were rejected by
most of community. Community of Cokrodiningratan especially men have their own
interpretation regarding domestic violence. Man�s subjectivity who had been considered
unimportant, in fact allows to reduce the number of domestic violence cases. The potential
for domestic violence by men in the Cokrodiningratanvillage can be influenced by culture,
community and economic demands. Actually that has been championed by the public, NGOs
and the government is not on target, they feel that the efforts of the concept of gender
equality or violence voiced by NGOs and the government can not be used for all levels of
society, as Indonesia has a diverse culture that can not be the same. When gender equality
promoted and applied in society are not followed by a change of mindset patriarchal society
which tends to make the acts of domestic violence remain. Because when there are few
people who changed and voice changes, they will be marginalized by the general public who
have not been able to accept the changes.