Summary: | Stroke is the third death factors in the US after heart disease and cancers.
It is suggested that the cost for dealing with stroke will be doubled in. This
research was conducted in early 2014 coincide with the implementation of JKN
(National Health Insurance) where the Indonesian government commenced health
insurance for all people regardless of their occupation. In the era of cost
concerned social health insurance, the research on economic pharmacology is an
important aspect. The research was aimed at the following objectives: 1) to
calculate the cost components and the average cost of patients for full
hemorrhagic stroke therapy, 2) to know which cost component(s) that contribute
to the highest proportion of the therapeutic cost, 3) to know the average cost of
hospitalized patients for full hemorrhagic stroke therapy based on the payer and
the class of hospital service, 4) to know whether there are effects of patient�s
factor, payment types, and hospital service class on the total therapeutic cost, and
5) to know whether the real cost of hemorrhagic stroke therapy of hospitalized
patients is matched with the cost reimbursed by health insurance company based
on INA-CBGs 2014.
The study was a type of non-experimental research using cross sectional
analytical design according to the hospital�s perspective. Sampling method was
done retrospectively from the available medical records data of hemorrhagic
stroke patients along with their medical cost. The research subjects were all
patients that diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke and hospitalized in the RS PKU
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta from the period of November 2011-2013, and all
data must fulfill with the inclusive criteria. Research variables were demographic
characteristics including age and gender, comorbid factor of hemorrhagic stroke,
payer, class of hospital service, total cost during therapy (direct medical cost and
direct non medical cost). Data were analyzed with Pearson correlation, ANOVA,
and Mann-Whitney.
Results showed that there was no effect of patients� characteristics,
number of comorbid factors, and payer on the total cost of therapeutic patients.
The total cost was affected by the hospital class service. Otherwise, for
comparison with medication cost, only gender and payer which has significant
influence.The real average cost of hemorrhagic stroke therapy at RS PKU
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta was significantly higher than the cost issued by INACBGs
era JKN 2014.
Key words: hemorrhagic stroke, cost analyses, INA-CBGs, patients�
characteristics, comorbid factor, payer, class of hospital service