Summary: | Good medication management is one aspect that affects the pharmacy
services. Distribution stage is the stage of the medication management cycle is
critical and complex, while the use of drugs is an important step and become a
major orientation in pharmacy services. The purpose of this study is to evaluate
the management stages of drug distribution and use of drugs, especially in the
outpatient setting.
Type a descriptive analytic study with retrospective and concurrent data
collection. The study sample of 100 patients and 660 sheets of recipes. The study
was conducted at the Orthopaedic Prof.Dr.R.Soeharso Hospital Surakarta.
Retrieval of data for the month of February-March 2014. Data document the
results of observations and interviews were classified into quantitative data and
qualitative data. Data were analyzed and compared with indicators of Depkes RI
(2008), Pudjianingsih (1996) and WHO (1993) then presented in the form of
tables or diagrams.
The evaluation results have not all drugs in the management of the
distribution and use of stage managed efficiently, while the indicator is not
efficiently match the amount of the drug with card stock by 99.33%, still the
presence of dead stock of 3.33%, a generic prescription is still at 70.18 % and the
corresponding formulary drugs prescribed by 95.76%. Factors - factors that affect
the performance of management, among others, the lack of precision medicine
installation logistics officer in the recording, the case of rare diseases, some drugs
no generic and not all doctors memorized the hospital formulary.
Keywords: distribution, use, outpatient, RS Ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso