Summary: | Background: Asthma is a chronic disease that is easily found and is clinically
characterized by recurrent episodes of coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness
and wheezing (wheezing). Asthma therapy in adult patients administered orally,
inhalation and parenteral. Prescribing of asthma patients in the outpatient Community
Lung Health Center (BKPM) Magelang region mostly using orally administered
drugs due to the high price of inhalers. This study aims to determine the effect of oral
therapy on treatment outcome and identify side effects that arise due to the use of oral
therapy in patients with asthma
Methods: This study is an observational study with prospective data collection from
February to April 2014. Data taken from the results of Peak Flow Meter, medical
records and data collection sheets. Patients who met the inclusion criteria in 75
patients but only 71 patients were followed throughout the study process. To prove
the effect before and after the use of oral therapy to therapeutic outcomes used paired
t test and Wilcoxon test. Used to compare changes in independent t test and Chisquare
test and Fisher alternatives.
Result: The results showed an increase in the value of the APE of 92.68 ± 66.70 after
1 month of oral therapy (P = 0.000). The frequency of attacks at the beginning of the
study most of the patients � 4x/week many as 33 patients (46.48%), after 1 month of
oral therapy frequency of attacks most patients become 1-2x/month as many as 48
patients (67.61%). Of the 71 patients who received oral therapy in 19 patients
(26.76%) encountered side effects palpitations, gastritis and increased appetite.
Conclusion: The use of oral therapy showed progress by increasing the value of the
results of therapy and decrease in frequency of attacks APE side asma. Side effects
observed in 19 patients (26.76 %) of 71 patients.
Keywords : asthma, oral therapy, therapeutic outcomes, side effects