Summary: | The aim of this thesis is to identify the leading sectors in economy with
full grown potential and which will be continuously extended to the economics
development of Temanggung District. On the other hand, this thesis is
overviewing the direction of development policy of Temanggung District in
conformity with identified leading sectors and competitive. Hopefully, the result
of this thesis would be useful in contributing and advantageous for the
Government of Temanggung District in formulating the policy of the economic
development in the future.
The secondary data used in this thesis are the Gross Regional Domestic
Product of Temanggung District and the Residency of Kedu at Constant 2000
Market Price by Industrial Origin in the period of 2003-2012. These data are
obtained from the Central Board of Statistic of Temanggung District and from the
Regional Development Planning Board of Temanggung District. All of these data
will be analyzed with the analysis tools such as Location Quotient, Shift-Share, ,
Growth Ratio Model, Overlay and RCA to get the leading sectors & competitive
ability in economy.
Sectors in the economy which have the advantage in the District
Temanggung most of the sector is engaged in the manufacturing, electricity gas &
water supply and trade/hotel & restaurant. The development policy direction of
Temanggung District conforms to those identified leading subsectors such in
Vision, Mission, Strategy, Direction of Policy, Regional Priority, and Priority in
Economic Programmes and Activities which as stated in the Strategic Planning of
Temanggung District. Those economic programmes and activities are also
supported by other related development programs and activities.