Summary: | Ovariectomy decrease the production of estrogen hormone resulted in an increase
in the calcium excretion through kidney. Supplement estrogen, increase estrogen and
decrease calcium excretion of urine, however supplement estrogen also decrease
parathyroid hormone and increase calcium excretion of urine. This research aimed to
know the description of histopatologis kidney of rats ovariektomi who consumed
supplement of ethinyl ethyl estradiol. Ten female wistar rats aged eight weeks were
divided into 2 groups, rat ovariectomy (OVK) and mouse ovariectomy which fed
supplement of ethinyl ethyl estradiol 25 g/rats/day orally (OVE). Each five rats, fed with
standard woof and drinking water aquabidestilata in ad libitum. Rats placed in an
individual cage with 22-25 of room temperature. Rats adapted to woof and
environment for one week, at the age of nine weeks, performed ovariektomi surgery. One
week after surgery, all of the mice were given treatment during eight weeks. In the end of
treatment, rats were euthanized and taken the sinister kidney for histopatologi check up
with painting of HE than analyzed by descriptive. The result showed that there is no
change on the illustration of histopatologiskidney of rats ovariectomy who fed with
supplement of ethinyl ethyl estradiol. From the result of the research, concluded that
ethinyl ethyl estradiol is save against the kidney function.
Keywords: Ethinyl ethyl estradiol, kidney, ovariectomy