Summary: | Recently, insurance industry in Indonesia grow rapidly. People who need
insurance increase. In addition, more people are getting interested in becoming
an insurance salesman or insurance agent. Therefore, it was important to test a
variety of factors that influence the performance of insurance agents in order to
obtain a method to develop performance based on the teoritical model of the
performance of insurance agent in this study. The study included 88 insurance
agents in the city of Yogyakarta. Researcher used 4 instruments for
measurement, that are the personality factor of conscientiousness scale,
transformational leadership scale, adaptive selling behavior scales and
questionnaires performance of insurance agents. The results of the study with
path analysis using LISREL found that the theoretical models of the performance
is supported by empirical data. In addition, adaptive selling behavior had role as
mediator between the personality factor of conscientiousness and
transformational leadership on the performance of the insurance agent.