Summary: | Foreign Tourist Satisfaction with Services Quality of ViaVia Travel.
Tourism Departement Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. The
problem concerning services quality in a company with customers satisfaction
has become an important thing in the service companies, not exception ViaVia
Travel to improve quality of customers satisfaction.
This final report is about Foreign Tourist Satisfaction with Services
Quality of ViaVia Travel. The purpose of this report is to find out the satisfaction
foreign tourists level with quality service from ViaVia Travel. To find out foreign
tourist consumers attitude with ViaVia Travel service. To find out obstacles faced
by ViaVia Travel and their impact for customers. The method used in this final
report is the descriptive qualitative, that is by observing, collecting data,
analyzing, and concluding. Data were obtainedby giving questionares to the
tourists who came over, then observing directly as the internship in ViaVia was
carried out for 3 months.
As a results show that the foreign tourists feel very satisfied with the
quality of services from ViaVia Travel through staff performance, the product
which is offered, tourguide services in guiding and direct tourists. There is impact,
or influence for a customers: foreign tourists want to go back to feel another tours
in the near future. However here, there are few obstacles faced by viavia travel.
There are time availability from tourguide and the occurrence of
misscomunication between staff and tourguide.