Summary: | Water is an important component for Life. One potential source of ground
water is spring. Floor vegetation acts as a protective layer and contribute to the
infiltration retention. The purpose of this study was to analyze of shrubs, herbs,
and grasses vegetation around springs and study its role in the retention of water
infiltration. The study was conducted in dry season between July 2013- February
2014 in Umbul Nila�s spring, Tulung, Klaten, Central Java and Mudal�s spring,
Purwosari, Gunungkidul, D.I.Yogyakarta. The simple random sampling method
was used. Density, index of diversity, and index of critical value (INP), calculated
for each growth form. Measurement of evapotranspiration of each growth form
was done through rainwater simulation on land vegetation and bare-land. The
results of floor vegetation analysis in Umbul Nila�s spring, was obtained 8
families, 17 species of vegetation floors and 5 families with 18 species around
Mudal�s spring. The results of calculation, for 3 species have the highest INP
value each plot of growth form shrubs, herbs, and grasses. Growth form of shrubs
in Umbul Nila�s area: Salvia riparia 11,1%, Mimosa pudica 5,8%, and Sida
rhombifolia 4,5%. Growth form of herbs: Heliotropium indicum 33,5%, Bidens
pilosa 32%, Centrosema pubescens 7,5%. Growth form of grasses: Ischaemum
triticeum 16,7%, Eleusine indica 11,6%, Imperata cylindrica 10,5%. Whereas in
Mudal, Growth form of shrubs: Chromolaena odorata 21,4%, Flemingia
macrophylla 16,9%, Triumfetta rhomboidea 7,6%. Growth form of herbs:
Elephantopus scaber 27,7%, Centrosema pubescens 8,3%, Tridax procumbens
4,7%. Growth for of grasses: Ischaemum triticeum 28,6%, Paspalum conjugatum
26%, and Digitaria sanguinalis 14%. The results show that evaporation, the
lowest capable of transpiration in Umbul Nila area is growth form of herbs. The
lowest capable of evaporation is growth form of shurbs. Mudal, the lowest
capable of transpiration is growth form of grasess and the lowest of evaporation is
growth form of herbs. The results showed that infiltration retention experiment
showed that the ability of water infiltration in Umbul Nila on grass-covered land
was 75% is higher than the land covered with shrubs, herbs, and bare-land. While
in Mudal, shrub covered by 97% compared to the land covered herbs, grasses, and