Summary: | Energy problem has become a global issue in many countries around the world,
including in Indonesia. Rising living standards lead to an increase in the nation's energy
needs are particularly dominated by the transport sector. The increase in the energy
requirements result in the reduction in the supply of domestic crude oil. To limit the
use of fuel oil in Indonesia, the government has made a strategic move to use alternative
fuels as mixing one of them is the use of bioethanol as a mixture of the fuel oil. To
support the government's efforts be required an analysis of the bioethanol plant site
selection and daily production capacity in Indonesia to create a network of sustainable
bioethanol supply chain.
The mathematical model is constructed mixed integer linear programming
model with the characteristics of a deterministic system. The parameters used in the
optimization model is the transport distance, demand, capacity of plant, the cost of fuel,
investment and operational costs. The objective function in this model is to minimize
the overall logistics costs. Furthermore, a mathematical model was built by using the
add-in CPLEX. The results obtained in the form of a decision to open 37 locations
bioethanol plant of 44 potential sites bioethanol plant in Indonesia with a total cost of
4.2 billion dollars. While the sensitivity analysis results in which all model parameters
affect the decision opening the factory. While bioethanol demand parameters provide
the most significant effect on the overall change in the total cost.