Summary: | Fishery products are abundant in the nothern coast of East Java, especially
Lamongan, Pasuruan, and Situbondo not necessarily have a high diversity of species,
as well as possible differences in the condition of water have different species
composition. This study was conducted to determine the diversity, characters and
phenetic relationship of fish spesies a member of the class Osteichthyes in Lamongan
waters, Pasuruan and Situbondo. The study was conducted in November-Desember
2012. Methods is using longline fishing. Morphological character data hereafter
devised scooring by numerical methods. Data were analyzed using the software
program approach MVSP 3.1A with UPGMA ( Unweighted Pair Group Method
Arithmetic) methods to get a dendogram. The result showed that found 5 order, 22
families, 28 genera and 41 species. All the data, whic h is the dominant order is
Perciformes and the dominant species is Nemipterus isacanthus (Kurisi). The main
morphological character that distinguish of fish species a member of the class
Osteichthyes in marine waters Lamongan, Pasuruan and Situbondo such as presence
or absence of scale, presence or absence of fins (pelvic fin, adipose fin), dorsal fin
shape, the number of finger and rays pelvic fin and colour pattern (stripes, bar,
blotch, spot). Dendogram of fish species a member of the class Osteichthyes shows
there are 3 clusters of fish with 1 out group. The first cluster is a member
Aulopiformes, the second cluster is a member Clupeiformes, the third cluster is a
member of Perciformes and out group is a member Tetraodontiformes. This study
concluded that there are 41 species have variety morphological characters and based
on similarity can be grouped into three clusters and 1 out group.