Summary: | Background: Childbirth is psychologically a moment full of stress that causes
pain, scare and anxiety.Hypnobirthingis a technique of self hypnosis on nurses�
independent intervention to prepare comfortable childbirth process.
Objective: Objective of the study was to identify the difference in pain during
childbirth, duration of childbirth phase I,II,III and the incidence of asphyxia
between the group of pregnant mothers trained with hypnobirthing method and
those without training on hypnobirthing. Samples were obtained through
consecutive technique from pregnant mothers of term III as many as 82 mothers.
Method: The study was a quasi experiment involving 4 privtely practised
midwives at District of Klaten. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate with chi
square statistical test and multivariate with logistic regression.
Result: Difference in percentage of pain between the group with hypnobirthing
and without hypnobirthing was 24% with RR 2.94 (95% CI 1.17-7.41) and
p=0.013. Difference in short phase 1 was 19% with RR 1.26 (95% CI 1.01-1.57)
and p=0.035. Difference in short phase 2 was 6% with RR 1.08 (95% CI 0.93-
1.26) and p=0.326. Difference in short phase 3 was 9% with RR 1.11 (95% CI
0.98-1.25) and p=0.102. Difference in no asphyxia incident was 2.5% with RR
0.98 (95% CI 0.93-1.03) and p=0.303. Hypnobirthing applied in similar parity
would give effect 4.45 times greater in reducing pain and 3.85 times greater in
shortening the duration of phase I.
Conclusion: Hypnobirthing could minimize pain in childbirth and shorten the
duration of phase I but hypnobirthing did not affect duration of phase II, phase III
and the incidence of asphyxia.