Summary: | Child labour is a social problem that occurs in the community, that there are many
children work in the informal sector as child domestic workers. According to ILO Concention
number 182 which had been ratified with Indonesia Law number 1 in 1999, it is stated that
child domestic workers are included in the worst condition job category and are prohibited
for children under 18 years old, due to a negative impact on child development, health and
vulnerability to drop out of school, physical abusement, psychological effect and human
The entry of children to be child domestic workers induced by internal and external
factors through the information of child domestic labor, encouragement and recommendation
to the employer in order to be accepted to work. This process in performed by the actor as an
intermediary, this involved actors are the people who are in the internal and external
environment of the children. The actors show their active role until the children entered the
informal engagement process to be child domestic workers in Bandung city. Even, the most
responsible involved actors are the relatives of the child domestic workers in the lineage,
therefore the child domestic workers are hereditarily done, which it seems to help those
children but actually in this case the children are victims. The policy that was conducted by
the Social Department of the Government of Bandung city as an effort to overcome the child
domestic workers in by holding cooperation partnerships through with institutions LAHA
(Lembaga Advokasi Hak Anak) which specifically handles child domestic workers in
Bandung city. Nevertheless the number of child domestic workers are still increasing,
therefore this serious problem requires cooperation from all parties to solve it.
The conclusions of this study are: the informal involvement process of children to be
child domestic workers through the information given by the involved actors, encouragement
and recommendation. Informal engagement is influenced by the actor�s role in the internal
and external environment and those actors are the relatives of the child domestic workers in
the lineage, therefore the child domestic workers are hereditarily done. The actors are
intermediaries to help the children to be hired by the employer. Financial limitations in not a
major factor for children to work as child domestic workers, but it is more affected by the
role of these involved actors