Summary: | In the implementation of this Job Practice Authors choose where street
vendors in the Notary and PPAT (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah) Triniken Tiyas
Tirlin, SH, which is located at Jl. Kaliurang Km. 6.3, Sleman, Yogyakarta, on
recommendation by a friend that the Notary Triniken author Tiyas Tirlin, SH, Notary
is one of the senior and very professional, it can be seen from the experience of the
mother Triniken Tiyas Tirlin, SH working in the field, so I think it would be a lot of
knowledge and experience which can be given to the author.
Author lifting mechanism of the establishment of perseroan terbatas (PT), as
based on observations of the author during an internship in the office of Notary and
PPAT Triniken Tiyas Tirlin, SH The author is very attractive although it is rare for
clients to request services in the establishment of a perseroan terbatas (PT). therefore
the authors are interested in understanding the processes and procedures for the
establishment of a perseroan terbatas (PT).
In TA writer discusses the establishment of a mechanism perseroan terbatas
(PT) on the understanding that it includes a limited liability company, the terms of the
establishment, the deed of establishment, and the capital stock, organs and processes
to form a legal entity.