Ամփոփում: | Indonesia is a megabiodiversity country which has more than 200 species of
bats, one of them is codot (Rousettussp). Codot is able to identify nearby objects with
echolocation. In identifying surrounding objects, process of remembering is very
important. Part of the brain that play a role in the regulation of memory is cerebral
cortex. This study aims to determine the cerebral cortex histology of codot.
Codot from Central Java were used as a sample. The cerebrum blocked in
paraffin, sliced in 12 μm thickness and stained using Cresyl Echt Violet. The results
of staining was observed with a microscope. The examined area were hippocampal
formation as a representative of archicortex, cingulate gyrus as representative of
paleocortex and parietal lobe as a representative of neocortex areas. Those areas were
photographed and analyzed using Microsoft Excel software , CorelDraw X6 , Adobe
Photoshop CS4 and Optilab Raster Image .
The results showed that the codot hippocampal formation is composed of
dentate gyrus, hippocampus proper and subiculum. Neurons at dentate gyrus are
small multipolar in shape with 5.53 ± 0.77 μm in diameter and 101 ± 40.92 cells /
30000 μm2 in density. Pyramidal stratum of hippocampal proper is divided into three
areas, cornu amonis (CA)1, CA2 and CA3 with pyramidal cell diameter are
respectively 10,30 ± 1,42 μm, 16,54 ± 1,17 μm and 14,24 ± 1,92 μm, and the cell
density are respectively 33 ± 7,96 cells / 30000 μm2, 44 ± 5,68 cells / 30000 μm2 and
36 ± 13,06 cells / 30000 μm2. Subiculum composed of pyramidal cells that are
divided into the outer layer and inner layer with cell diameter are respectively 8,66 ±
1,06 μm and 13,52 ± 1,93 μm and cell density are respectively 22 ± 4,50 cells / 30000
μm2 and 20 ± 3,95 cells / 30000 μm2. Cingulat gyrus and parietal lobe is composed of
molecular, external granular, external pyramidal, internal granular, interna pyramidal
and multiform stratums. The conclusion of this study is hippocampal formation as a
representative of archicortex composed of dentate gyrus, hippocampus proper and
subiculum, cingulat gyrus as a representative of paleocortex and parietal lobe as a
representative of neocortex is composed of six stratums. Cells in each stratum of
parietal lobe arranged more regularly than cingulate gyrus.